Layanan Pendidikan

Pondok Pesantren Al Muqri menyediakan pendidikan Islam berkualitas di jantung desa Prenduan.

Pendidikan Formal

Kami mengedepankan pendidikan Islam yang mendalam dan berkarakter bagi santri di Pondok Pesantren.

A building facade painted in light green with the words 'Sekolah Citra Berkat' in white lettering. The structure has several floors visible along with white railings and open balcony spaces. Lush green tree branches partially frame the building against a pale sky.
A building facade painted in light green with the words 'Sekolah Citra Berkat' in white lettering. The structure has several floors visible along with white railings and open balcony spaces. Lush green tree branches partially frame the building against a pale sky.
Pendidikan Non-Formal

Santri terlibat dalam berbagai kegiatan belajar yang mendukung pengembangan spiritual dan akademis mereka.

A large group of people wearing white hijabs is gathered in an outdoor but roofed wooden structure. They are facing a stage with a black banner that reads 'Halal Bihalal SMK Ulil Albab NW.' Several speakers are seated behind a table on the stage.
A large group of people wearing white hijabs is gathered in an outdoor but roofed wooden structure. They are facing a stage with a black banner that reads 'Halal Bihalal SMK Ulil Albab NW.' Several speakers are seated behind a table on the stage.

Pendidikan Islam

Pondok Pesantren Al Muqri sebagai lembaga pendidikan Islam tertua.

A young girl wearing a pink hijab is sitting on the floor next to a man. They are both looking at a workbook on a small table. The scene appears to be in a home setting with some framed certificates and a small desk visible through a window. The setting is cozy and informal, with a rug on the floor and various study materials scattered around.
A young girl wearing a pink hijab is sitting on the floor next to a man. They are both looking at a workbook on a small table. The scene appears to be in a home setting with some framed certificates and a small desk visible through a window. The setting is cozy and informal, with a rug on the floor and various study materials scattered around.
Sejarah Pesantren

Pondok Pesantren Al Muqri didirikan oleh KH. Ahmad Muqri pada 1912, menjadi pusat pendidikan Islam di Prenduan dengan fokus pada pengajaran dan pembinaan santri.

Three books are displayed against a light green background, with two partly facing up and exhibiting colorful covers. The book titled 'Aku Muslim tapi Belum Shalat' has a light blue cover featuring an illustration of a mosque and green hills, accompanied by Islamic-themed text. Another book is titled 'Tata Cara Shalat Menurut Sunnah Nabi' with a white cover and gold and brown text. The third book is shown from the back, featuring a photograph of a man and text describing the content.
Three books are displayed against a light green background, with two partly facing up and exhibiting colorful covers. The book titled 'Aku Muslim tapi Belum Shalat' has a light blue cover featuring an illustration of a mosque and green hills, accompanied by Islamic-themed text. Another book is titled 'Tata Cara Shalat Menurut Sunnah Nabi' with a white cover and gold and brown text. The third book is shown from the back, featuring a photograph of a man and text describing the content.
Visi Misi

Mewujudkan generasi yang berakhlak mulia dan berpengetahuan luas melalui pendidikan Islam yang berkualitas di Pondok Pesantren Al Muqri.